Defending against cyber attacks requires a two-pronged approach: proactive and reactive. A good security operations strategy will encompass both, but recognise that sometimes, despite the best proactive measures – such as penetration testing and timely patching – things can still go wrong.

What happens when you’ve met ISO standards, completed several IT health checks, have a monitoring system in place, but still find yourself in the middle of a breach owing to poor password security, one that could compromise your email infrastructure and more?

Detect & Defend, which is Track 3 at this year’s CYBERUK In Practice, deals with just this. The track covers a spectrum of topics, from the basic stuff and quick wins that organisations should be getting right, to advanced topics such as machine learning – including how viable this technology is in helping our defences right now.

We will also consider the nuances of making the most of your security operations centre (SOC). How do you get the most value out of a minimal SOC if you’re a small business? Do you even need one?

The track also includes a range of exciting talks involving cautionary tales from government and beyond, along with sessions on mitigating common risks. With every talk, presentation and panel discussion, we hope you will be able to take away something tangible that you can put into action when you’re back at work on Monday morning.

We are proud of the diverse range of experiences our speakers call upon. There might be computer code on the screen in one presentation, while the next session features board-level discussions. With speakers from the public sector, top technology companies and SMEs, we think you’ll be able to walk into any track session and find something exciting to take away.

Source: National Cyber Security Centre

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