Thanks to an existing customer, BanaBay Limited, giving a whole-hearted recommendation of how we at Serviceteam IT support them, we’ve added another fantastic new customer, Substrakt Limited. We provide BanaBay with IP Telephony, Continuity, Office 365, IT Support and of course Fibre Internet. BanaBay were very gracious, in allowing their potential next door neighbours to assess the quality of the leased line services provided by Serviceteam IT, by enabling secured access for Substrakt to evaluate. Substrakt had a resilient fibre ethernet leased line connection installed in an impressive 26 working days. The contract follows another successful year for us, which has seen our client base treble.

Connectivity can be confusing. Are you sure your organisation has the right network connection? Do you suffer from frustration by slow or unreliable broadband? Do you want a more productive experience? Would you like the ability to benefit from cloud services, online backups, or IP telephony?