Is the use of innovative technology going too far? For over two centuries new technology has been introduced in the business world and workers have had to adapt their positions to accommodate the change. Now that change means Robotic Process Automation (RPA).  

Research has shown that the fear of fines through GDPR is making some firms more likely to pay cyber ransom than report the breach. This is a very scary thought and extremely counterproductive. Why is this happening and what could be done to prevent this?

In the 21st century – especially the last few years – there has been a conflict between innovation and everyday IT operations of a business. It is easy to get overwhelmed with trying to implement new technology, ensure that runs smoothly whilst introducing more tech.

The draft Brexit agreement has been published. Is the UK Technology sector split over whether to support the Prime Minister’s draft EU Withdrawal Agreement?

Most businesses will hold data in a data centre. In our Beyond the Cloud Research 2018 we found that 74.7% of respondents hosted cloud services in the UK. We expect our data will be stored in an modern data centre. However, there have been reports that operators are not taking disaster recovery precautions to protect their sites from extreme weather events.

The coming months will mark 100 years since the peak of the 20th century’s most deadly catastrophe: Spanish Flu. Considering this, I would like to explore how IT has shaped modern medicine and may help prevent a future disastrous outbreak.

A skill shortage is when there are not enough people with a skill to meet demand. In an ever-changing technology world, a skill shortage is a huge cause for concern in IT. This is especially important as emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Internet of Things will give organisations a competitive edge.

After a long day the only thing I want to do is relax and put my feet up. However, as a member of a sports club, I need to go to training.  Afterwards, I feel rejuvenated and generally in a better mood. The use of technology in the workplace can promote a healthy lifestyle and will be beneficial to both companies and employees well-being.

You would have to work hard to ignore Brexit in the media. The most recent updates are everywhere projecting daily doom and gloom for the British public to enjoy. Are businesses prepared for Brexit in March 2019? More pressingly, can we prepare for Brexit?

Cyber-security incidents are at large, and everybody knows it. Data breaches are now a daily occurrence and threaten both businesses and individuals. But just how many people do these incidents affect, where do the hackers come from, and what should I look out for to prevent a cyber-security attack on my device?