Basecamp uses HTTPS to transmit and receive data. TLS 1.2 is used to encrypt data whilst in transit between Basecamp’s servers and the user’s browser.
Basecamp meets the recommended cryptographic profiles for TLS as published by the NCSC. Basecamp currently gets an ‘A’ rating from SSL Labs. Note that this was performed on their top level domain, and not all subdomains that may be used for API calls.
At this time, it is unknown whether Basecamp protects internal data in transit between services using encryption. However, Basecamp does state that project data, messages, text documents and TODOs are not encrypted at rest.
At this time, it is unknown whether Basecamp protects internal data in transit using correctly configured certificates.
Yes (version dependent)
All Basecamp 3 APIs require the use of OAuth 2.0 for authentication.
All public integrations of Basecamp 2 require the use of OAuth 2.0 for API authentication. Basecamp 2 does support HTTP basic authentication for private integrations.
Basecamp Classic does not require the use of OAuth 2.0. Public integrations of Basecamp Classic are compatible with OAuth 2.0, but do not require it.
Yes (version dependent)
Does the SaaS provider collect logs of events?
Types of log may include security logs and resource logs
Does the SaaS provider have a clear incident response and patching system in place to remedy any publicly reported issues in their service, or libraries that the service makes use of?
The provider’s previous track record on this is a good metric to see how they’ll cope with a new issue occurring.
Source: NCSC