Nissan Canada Finance notified 1.13 million customers on Thursday of a data breach impacting an unspecified number of past and present customers.

The breach occurred on Dec. 11, 2017 when an unidentified third-party gained access to customer name, address, vehicle make and model, vehicle identification number, credit score, loan amount and monthly payment.

Customers were notified of the breach via email and on Thursday Nissan Canada Finance disclosed additional details of the breach to the public.

“While the precise number of customers affected by the data breach is not yet known, NCF is contacting all of our current and past customers – approximately 1.13 million customers – who have financed their vehicles through Nissan Canada Finance and Infiniti Financial Services Canada,” the company said.

At this time there is no indication the data breach included payment and contact information such as email addresses or phone numbers, officials said.

Company representatives said they are working with authorities and cyber security experts to determine how the breach was perpetrated and what specific personal information was exposed.

“We apologize for any frustration and anxiety this may cause our customers, and we thank you for your patience and support as we work through this issue,” wrote Alain Ballu, president, Nissan Canada Finance, in a press statement.

Nissan Canada Finance said it was offering free credit-monitoring services through TransUnion for a year.

Unknown is how unauthorized access was gained and the number of records accessed.

Source: ThreatPost

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