Serviceteam IT Security News

There are some words and phrases related to cyber security which are bandied about. Not just in our advice and guidance, but in the news and on social media. If we’re honest it is not always clear what they all mean and it is easy to be lost in a cloud of cyber buzzwords.

We are keen on demystifying these terms so that when you see or hear them they’re not alien, and you’re not left feeling like you need a PhD in CyberSkillz to understand what it all means.

To help clear things up we’ve created a glossary. At the moment it contains a starter set of expressions and you can binge on the whole set now. Alternatively keep an eye on @NCSC as we’ll be tweeting a term a day until Christmas (sort of a cyber advent calendar*). Later in the month there will be an infographic available to download.

Obviously, the glossary is useless if it remains static so we will be adding to and updating ours. If you have a cyber security word or phrase that you’ve seen on our site, or heard elsewhere, that you would like to suggest for inclusion you can tweet us (@NCSC), use the Comments field below, or use the Contact us form.

Andrew M
Head of External Engagement

Source: National Cyber Security Centre

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