
Former US president’s Donald Trump’s spat with Amazon founder squillionaire Jeff Bezos raised its head recently after the US military sent a $10 billion computer contact back to the drawing board.

Riding a particular cloud vendor may be computing heaven – yet is there a case for being supplier agnostic? What’s your Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) strategy?

Provisioning connections between data centres and external services has always been a challenge. Which is why only 28% of organisations use a Cloud Connect model to services such as AWS and Azure. Now you can consolidate multiple cloud vendors into a single user interface, quickly and simply deploy multi-cloud environments. Interconnect the same as your cloud business model: available in minutes, no lock-in contracts, pay-as-you-go and change capacity on the fly.

The rate of cloud adoption has increased rapidly, with more and more computing being pushed into the cloud, a trend identified in Serviceteam IT’s Cloud Snapshot Survey 2017. This growth in cloud computing has led to the development of networks of large data centres. However, this is already starting to slow, with an ever-increasing amount of computing moving back to the ‘edge’ of local networks. Processing will always occur wherever it is best placed for a given application at a given time and cloud has given us flexibility of computing resources; but we can’t help but think that reliable, elastic and on-demand networking is imperative to deliver the future.

Cloud Connect uses the latest in fibre hardware technology to create a physical link between your network, and the cloud. While most data will travel across the public Internet, Cloud Connect is a dedicated connection between your network and your cloud services. Learn what it is, how it works, why you need it.