
The Facebook-owned messenger WhatsApp dropped the ball with Italian data chiefs when they recently changed the app’s privacy policy.

When you’re on Facebook or Google and you’re next hit by one of those tedious terms and conditions pop-up forms that most of us never read and mindlessly accept, do have in mind you may be clicking away the your right to sue these companies in British courts.

European telecoms providers, and that includes the UK, have announced by 2025 PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) and ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) will be no more. Nada. Finito. Shaken off this mortal copper coil.

There is no doubt that the tech world has welcomed huge possibilities and change. With this power, big tech giants have stormed onto the scene. However, the European Union is acting against these giants.

Research has shown that the fear of fines through GDPR is making some firms more likely to pay cyber ransom than report the breach. This is a very scary thought and extremely counterproductive. Why is this happening and what could be done to prevent this?

What most people forget as they wade through mountains of paperwork is that GDPR is fundamentally a good thing. Tim Cook said so.

Leverage Azure and Office 365 for Multi-factor Authentication. The geo-distributed, high availability design of Azure AD means that you can rely on it for your most critical business needs. With the prevalence of smart phones, tablets, laptops, and PCs, people have far too many options on how they are going to connect, and stay connected, at any time. Multi-Factor Authentication through Azure is an easy to use, scalable, and reliable solution that provides a second method of authentication so your users are always correctly authenticated.

Experts say the devil is in the details when it comes to complying…

Business Email: This is the first part in the email deletion series and concerns B2B relationships. GDPR text is ambiguous as to whether a distinction can be drawn between corporate email addresses and individual email addresses. Is it still possible to opt-out with a corporate email address?