
GDPR may be going in effect Friday, but U.S. citizens have a ways…

A full 98 percent of US enterprises have embarked on information governance (IG)…

Dog collars to toasters are connected as part of the Internet of Things (IoT), with experts predicting that by 2020 more than 50% of new businesses will run on the IoT. However, cyber security and privacy are the biggest challenges for IoT, collecting large amounts of personal identifiable information. As soon as some financial benefit from hacking smart devices appears, cyber criminals will find a way to take advantage of it.

A glitch caused Twitter passwords to be stored in plain text on an…

Twitter is the latest company to face backlash for how it handles data…

WHOIS, one of oldest tools on internet for verifying real identities, is at risk of being killed due to tough data protection with new GDPR regulations. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect in May and is an attempt to strengthen European data protection. However, it is thought that some of the new rights and responsibilities will conflict with existing technologies that have provided transparency on the internet.

Privacy advocates are up in arms after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said most…

Businesses say overturning one of the nation’s strongest internet privacy protection rules will deal a blow to data privacy, security and integrity for businesses and consumers alike. Source: Cloud Security Industry Braces for Repeal of ISP Privacy Rules