
Ransomware gangs are plundering companies in Viking like raids, say Britain’s former top cyber spy. Ciaran Martin, the former chief executive of Britain’s National Cyber Security Centre, said: “We should start from the presumption that large scale transfers of wealth to Russian hackers should not be allowed.”

US-based legal giant Campbell Conroy & O’Neil that serves Fortune 500 firms, including Apple and Pfizer, is continuing its investigation on a ransomware attack that resulted in unauthorized access to certain client data.

Ukrainian police have arrested members of a notorious ransomware gang that recently targeted American universities. The Ukraine National Police said it had worked with Interpol and the US and South Korean authorities to charge six members of the Ukraine-based Cl0p hacker group who are allegedly responsible for a half billion-dollar cyber crimewave.

Cyber Security Education: Iranian hackers posed as academics at London’s School of Oriental and African Studies to conduct an online espionage campaign targeting experts on the Middle East. The hacking attempt was carried out by a group called itself ‘Charming Kitten’ and are widely thought to be operating behalf of Iran’s shadowy Revolutionary Guard. Iran — […]

The hacking gang behind the Colonial Pipeline attack has started to point the finger at a rival gang – as the FBI launch a major investigation.

Businesses, and anyone caught in a bad-tempered divorce, should be on the alert for mercenary hackers for hire. Firms large and small have been victim to keypad for hire gunslingers who possess tech savvy skills to breach the most sophisticated defences.

What is Zoom? How does it work? Is it safe? There have been suggestions that competitors Microsoft and Google are safer applications.

As the internet of things (IoT) rolls out hackers have found ingenious ways of conning you out of your cash. Today we see how hackers can break into IoT kit, take control and then demand a ransom.

SSH private keys are being targeted by hackers who have stepped up the…