Money stolen falls from record $1.25bn to $813m as more victims refuse to…
Washington says Moscow’s influence over company poses significant risk, as Kaspersky argues its…
Gang sets up new site on dark web and releases rambling statement explaining…
Four arrests, including in Poland and Ukraine, and victims will be helped to…
LockBit’s website under control of security agencies from both sides of Atlantic, according…
Federal police warn they will track down alleged criminals using Warzone trojan softwareFollow…
Findings suggest Jordan is relying on cyberweapon to quash dissent and its use…
Citizen Lab discovers alleged attack using ‘zero-click exploit’ on individual employed by DC…
Cyberattack resulted in hacking of 4TB of data including IDs, finance reports, accounting…
European parliament is investigating powerful surveillance tool used by governments around the worldVictims…
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