
Microsoft Security have issued a detailed report on a massive phishing-as-a-service operation named BulletProofLink that offered as a subscription all the tools needed to conduct a campaign. The phishing-as-a-service, or PHaaS, model differs from the phishing kits that many gangs have used in that it is more expansive and handles many of the small details that could befuddle a less tech-savvy attacker.

Microsoft has indefinitely postponed plans to bring workers back to its US offices, making it one of the first high-profile companies to scrap a definitive return-to-office date because of uncertainties created by the continued spread of COVID-19.

The days when we would be energised by a new Windows operating system launch are long gone, but Microsoft’s Surface hardware announcements today could create a frisson of excitement around the Windows 11 debut.

Forests in the US that generate the carbon offsets bought by Microsoft are on fire as summer blazes rage in North America. Corporate net-zero emission pledges rely on such projects to compensate for the carbon dioxide generated by companies that are unable to make sufficient cuts to their actual emissions.

Apple, Alphabet and Microsoft reaped almost $1bn a week in profits in latest quarterly announcements. At $56.8bn, the total was almost double the year before and 30 per cent more than investors had predicted.

Microsoft and Google are set to hang up their gloves as they call quits to a six-year legal truce. The software and internet search giants reached the pact in 2015 to end a running battle that had been fought out in courtrooms and in front of regulators around the world.

Former US president’s Donald Trump’s spat with Amazon founder squillionaire Jeff Bezos raised its head recently after the US military sent a $10 billion computer contact back to the drawing board.

Will cloud computing rain on the investor’s parade like it’s 1999? Surging valuations of Cloud software companies – and investor fears at missing out on the next Zoom – mean companies are being valued at billions based on meagre revenue streams.

President Trump is currently threatening to ban TikTok in the United States. The app was expected to establish its headquarters in California or New York. This is unless Microsoft, or another American firm, acquires the platform.