
US agency revealed flaw that could be exploited by hackers to create malicious…

For the second time in ten days, researchers at UpGuard released sensitive data…

The White House released a charter document on Wednesday outlining how the U.S….

As reports of the NSA officially connecting WannaCry to North Korea surface, experts are saying developers failed to contain the ransomware before it was ready for deployment. Source: Malware Someone Failed to Contain WannaCry

A worm called EternalRocks has been spreading seven Windows SMB exploits leaked by the ShadowBrokers, including EternalBlue, which was used to spread WannaCry. Source: Malware EternalRocks Worm Spreads Seven NSA SMB Exploits

The Shadow Brokers hacking group has leaked another batch of NSA-linked data containing a list of servers linked to cyberespionage hacking programs. Source: SC Magazine Shadow Brokers claim to leak NSA cyberespionage targets