Roses are red, violets are blue, declare me your password, and I will tell you I love you. Valentine’s day has come and gone and with the twang of Cupid’s bow, another Internet scammer snags a victim.
Google has reported that it is blocking 18 million scam emails about Covid-19 daily. The pandemic has hugely increased phishing attacks where criminals are trying to trick victims to reveal data. Gmail is used by 1.5 billion people.
Phishing Protection: Get enterprise-class reliability and protect against phishing, spoof, spam and malware, while maintaining access to email during and after emergencies. Exchange Online Protection provides a layer of protection features that are deployed across a global network of datacenters, helping you simplify the administration of your messaging environments. A cloud-based email filtering service that helps protect your organisation with extensive use of machine learning to detect risky attachments and web-links; phishing, scam and fake emails are discovered and destroyed before they even reach your inbox.
Cyber security is now a pressing issue for many organisations. If you’re unaccustomed to the technology sector, it can be hard to decode the extensive volume of technical language. As part of the research project I am currently involved, cyber security concerns within UK businesses is a key area. Read more as I attempt to break down the complicated language surrounding the topic in a Glossary of terms.
Attackers behind today’s WannaCry ransomware outbreak in Europe are spreading the malware using the EternalBlue exploit leaked by the ShadowBrokers. Source: Malware Leaked NSA Exploit Spreading Ransomware Worldwide
It’s not at all a surprise that Google Mail users have today been hit by a massive Phishing attack. Given the rise of exploits being sourced using Google platform services, such as the GOOGLE RECAPTCHA BYPASS and the malware CARBANAK USING GOOGLE SERVICES it was inevitable.
Office 365 anti-spoof email protection: Insider spoofing or faking the email address of the CEO or the Managing Director to trick the CFO or the Finance Director into transferring tens of thousands of Pounds to criminal bank accounts is really big business. Microsoft, with Office 365 anti-spoof email protection, is quashing the threat.
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