
The days when we would be energised by a new Windows operating system launch are long gone, but Microsoft’s Surface hardware announcements today could create a frisson of excitement around the Windows 11 debut.

Researchers say they have demonstrated how exploits of Microsoft Jet Database Engine vulnerabilities could lead to remote attacks on Microsoft Internet Information Services and Microsoft SQL Server to gain system privileges. Microsoft says it recently patched the flaws.

Support for Windows 7 has ended, leaving Marcy wondering how they can protect…

Support for Windows 7 has ended, leaving Marcy wondering how they can protect…

Android and Windows devices also targeted in campaign believed to be state-backedChinese Uighurs…

Don’s laptop is infected with malware and he’d like a clean machine, what’s…

Derek needs to find a laptop with Windows 10 Home’s device encryption to…

Jason wants to protect his new high-end laptop from viruses but needs data…

Thanks to auto-play, it’s possible to crash Windows systems by simply inserting the…

A massive mobile espionage campaign has been collecting troves of sensitive personal information…