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Could Li-Fi Replace Wi-Fi?

Wi-Fi has dominated connectivity over the past decade or so, but it now faces several challengers. Most people are now aware of the threat 5G poses to its dominance because it will provide similar speeds without the need for a fixed router/connection, but Li-Fi represents an altogether different hazard.

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UK Leased Line Providers Explained | Tier 1 | Tier 2

For business owners, our business internet connection, such as a Fibre Ethernet leased line, is a business critical  service they rely upon constantly. Unreliable service, intermittent speeds and availability issues can leave you tearing your hair out in frustration. To help you find a business internet provider you can trust, we’ll share our experience of countless customer installations.

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Multi-Factor Authentication

Leverage Azure and Office 365 for Multi-factor Authentication. The geo-distributed, high availability design of Azure AD means that you can rely on it for your most critical business needs. With the prevalence of smart phones, tablets, laptops, and PCs, people have far too many options on how they are going to connect, and stay connected, at any time. Multi-Factor Authentication through Azure is an easy to use, scalable, and reliable solution that provides a second method of authentication so your users are always correctly authenticated.