According to their Trust Centre Documentation Office 365 uses TLS. Even though it isn’t explicitly stated, hands-on testing suggests that this is using TLS 1.2.
Office 365 meets the recommended cryptographic profiles for TLS as published by the NCSC. In addition the Office domain currently gets an ‘A’ rating from Qualys SSL Labs. Note that this was performed on their top level domain, and not all subdomains that may be used for API calls.
According to their Trust Centre Documentation Microsoft encrypts all traffic in transit within their network using TLS and IPSec.
According to their Azure encryption overview Microsoft uses TLS to protect all traffic in transit between services.
All API requests must be authorised by the user and use OAuth.
Does the SaaS provider collect logs of events?
Types of log may include security logs and resource logs
Does the SaaS provider have a clear incident response and patching system in place to remedy any publicly reported issues in their service, or libraries that the service makes use of?
The provider’s previous track record on this is a good metric to see how they’ll cope with a new issue occurring.
Source: NCSC